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Spike SR1

Parts List

1 - Sintra, 2 mm, White
1 - Maxon DC GM 118383
1 - Populated Solarbotics Maxim SE BEP

This started out as a proof of concept. We ran out of time before ECRG, and so decided to compete with it. Therefore, there is not a Build Sheet per se.

Lessons Learned:

1) We had intended this to be an All Wheel Drive solaroller. The belt design used did not have enough of the belt making contact with the motor. There was too much slipage, and we ended up just driving the rear motors. A simple tightening wheel below the motor shaft would likely resolve this problem.

2) Again, the wire was not long enough. This resulted in the BEP board not sitting flush with the Sintra mount we had made for it.

3) The 2mm Sintra was not sturdy enough to hold the axels in place. The combination of pull from the belt and friction from turning wore into the Sintra. using a brass tube to hold the axels in place is a possible solution.

4) We did not have a drill bit the size of the motor. We went over and then wrapped the motor in tape. However, this allowed for too much play, and let the belt slip off the axel.

5) The solaroller tended to pull towards the right due to the belt pulling on the front axel. The above solutions would solve the pull. In addition, adding horizontal guide wheels would help. These wheels would allow the solaroller to hit the walls and yet not get stuck.

6) Shorting wires. We used floppy drive cable and this proved too flexible for reliable shorting. A better solution is solid copper wire, as seen in Kyle Simmons' Lego Beast.